Online Police Reports
Disclaimer and Restriction of Use

The Lubbock Police Department is committed to collecting and disseminating police report information in a timely and accurate manner. Reports are classified based upon information supplied to the Lubbock Police Department by reporting parties. The report classifications may be changed following subsequent investigation. The Lubbock Police Department does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in these reports.

The Lubbock Police Department is not responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from, the use of this information. Due to the preliminary nature of the reports, media outlets should make a diligent effort to confirm any information prior to reporting it. Confirmation can be made by contacting the Public Information Unit, the appropriate investigative division, or other departmental authorities.

The Lubbock Police Department believes that providing open and simple access to police reports online reinforces our commitment to transparency. However, in disseminating this information we must also comply with current laws that regulate the release of potentially sensitive and confidential information. To ensure that private information is protected and the standards delineated by the Texas Public Information Act are met, certain information is automatically redacted and some reports are not available on the site. The exclusions include, but are not limited to:

  • Sexually oriented offenses
  • Offenses where juveniles (individuals under 17 years of age) are the complainant
  • Reference to individuals considered suspects and witnesses
  • Detailed descriptions of property items considered evidence
  • Crash reports, which may be obtained here:

Individuals who believe that additional or more complete information disclosure is warranted are encouraged to submit an open records request, per state law.

Open records requests must be made in writing. For full information and instructions see:

The user specifically acknowledges that the Lubbock Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words, “Lubbock Police Department” or the Lubbock Police Department logo or any colorable imitation of either is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use.